En-Suite Case Study | Leeds | West Yorkshire
Published: 30 January 2017
Mr & Mrs Sellans had an awkwardly shaped en-suite shower room that was indeed of a rethink, remodel and a revamp. Having initially visited us 3 years ago with regards to organising a design and quotation for the refurbishment the couple decided to hold off on the project ‘for now’ while they carried out works to other areas of their home.
When the time came to revisit the works to the en-suite the couple were recommended to another company and decided to proceed with them. Unfortunately, having been let down on a number of occasions, they consequently came back to us to re-engage and pick up where they left off. Mr & Mrs Sellans also asked us to quote for a kitchen refurbishment at the same time they were that impressed with our efficiency, reliability and full service offering.

As mentioned previously the existing en-suite was an awkward shape, partially due to it forming part of an extension whereby the couple had built the en-suite on top of an existing garage. Although a challenge with regards to making the most of the available space, both Mr & Mrs Sellans and More Bathrooms Surveyor & Designer, Paul, worked collaborative to create an en-suite that was stylish, modern, easy to use and most importantly functional given the shape and space.
A complete rip out of the existing suite comprised of a square shower cubicle, WC & basin saw the installation of a low profile shower tray which was 1/3 larger in size and enclosed behind bespoke, self-commissioned, shower doors and feature a purpose built corian bench. Along with a separate vanity basin unit and furniture fitted wall hung WC a high performance in line fan was also installed to combat the couples previous woes over condensation and water residue when showering.
The fully fitted, sectioned tiled (floor and wall), transformation brought the en-suite shower room sprinting into the 21st century. Stylishly modern in look and feel the refurbishment made the best use of available space, despite the main fixtures being re-installed in the same area of the room, proving how the careful selection of product can help bring an overall design to life in a functional and practical manner.

what mr & mrs sellans said about more bathrooms:
“Paul, our installer, was brilliant!”
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